ANOTHER GIRL<title><style>A:link{color: blue; background: black} A:visited {color:white; background:black}</style> <font face="overexposed"><body bgcolor="0001117"><font color="white"><font> <p align="center">ANOTHER GIRL</p align> <p align="left">they say we look fake,<br> but i don't care at all,<br> what people might think<br> we may rise to fall,<br> sad but true, it might be you,<br> it's not like you....<p> Saturday, you come my way,<br> and i don't want you to go home<br> i take you out,<br> that's what you're all about,<br> it's better than sitting on the phone,<br> and she says to me, everything will be ok<p> she's just another girl for the summer<br> just another girl for the summer<br> just another girl for the summer<p> we're close behind<br> she's lookin fine,<br> I can't get her off my mind,<br> her mother says, she wants me dead,<br> it keeps getting better everytime,<br> and she says to me,<br> everything'll be ok,<p> she's just another, girl for the summer,<br> just another girl for the summer<br> just another, girl for the summer<p> standing in the room where i can think<br> chillin in my room w/ the smc,<br> girlfriend calls to break things off,<br> sad but true,<br> don't accuse, it's for you...<p> at nights we contemplate,<br> shattering my self esteem,<br> you were so mean, but whatever, <br> i'm not feeling estranged from the feelings you claim, <br> i just wanna get them off my chest and....<br> why can't it be just how it was when things began,<br> things go wild, we manifest and do the best that we can,<br> i'm much obliged and when it meets your....<br> we'll discredit all the lies...<br> and she says to me,<p> everything'll be ok, <br> she's just another girl for the summer,<br> just another, girl for the summer<br> just another girl for the summer<br> just another girl for the summer<br> just another girl for the summer<br> just another.....<br> Back to <a href="/music.html">music</href><br> back to <a href="/wakefield.html">main</href> </body></html>